Today I arrived at the first farm! After a quick stop at my Maijhu's house (my Mom's younger sister), I was driven from Kathmandu to nearby Banepa, in the Kavre district. Getting off of the plane was an experience in and of itself; stepping out into the hot, humid air was refreshing after more than twenty four hours of airport AC and artificially pressurized cabins. The constant backdrop of mountains was also familiar. Also the crazy rush of people motorbikes cars cows petrol temples that is Kathmandu city brought back similar feelings. I was here only last summer ('14), visiting family. I saw some briefly today, told them "see ya in a few months" and then took the long and often bumpy ride to Banepa.
The farm I am at is called GaunGhar Organic Farm House, run by Rabindra Man Joshi, a family friend who used to be my Mom's teacher way back when. The farm grows corn, potatoes, cabbage, ad a variety of herbs and spices. There are also 150 chickens, many ducks, a pond for trout, two milk cows, two bulls, and two goats. The farm's specialty is its fruit trees: oranges, kiwis, and lapsi (a familiar South Asian fruit, apparently also called "hog apple").
Internet access is an hour away, so look for updates weekly. Pictures to come soon!
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